Modal Easter Egg

modalEasterEgg is an easy-to-use modal Easter Egg for web pages. modalEasterEgg uses both mouse and keyboard events and load the settings from a json file (modalEasterEgg.json). Options which can be changed are: id of a HTML element (one of your webpage elements), a character, your message and its CSS style. When the user goes over the element with the mouse and presses the predefined character from keyboard, the hidden message will be showed in a JavaScript modal.

There are two versions of modalEasterEgg:
  1. With Bootstrap and JQuery
  2. With JavaScript


With your mouse go over this green box and click the key 'i' on your keyboard to see the secret message!


All you need to do is:

  1. All the settings is saved in a json file. You want to change the settings? No problem; Change them in the modalEasterEgg.json. Don't forget to put the modalEasterEgg.json in the proper address (default is the same folder of your webpages):
        /*    This is  how  the  modalEasterEgg.json     
        *    looks  like  (for the  pure JavaScript     
        *    version). All the settings go here and     
        *    can be changed easily.     
            "theElement": "my-element",
            "theCharacter": "i",
            "theMessage": "This was supposed to be my secret message.<br><br>How did you find it? :D",
            "messageStyle": "style='background-color:#F2DEDE;color:brown; font-size:1.3em; text-align:center;padding:25px;'",
            "modalBlock": "<div style='display:block;' id='myModal' class='modal'><div class='modal-content'  ><span class='close' onclick=' = \"none\";'>×</span><p>the message</p></div></div>"    
  3. Add modalEasterEgg.min.js to your codes:
                        <script type="text/javascript" src="/your path here/modalEasterEgg.min.js"></script>
  4. If you want to use the version with Bootstrap and JQuery, Add bootstrap.min.css, bootstrap.min.js and jquery.min.js to your webpages:

                        <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
  5. If you want to use the version with JavaScript, Add modalEasterEgg.min.css to your webpages.

                        <link rel="stylesheet" src="/your path here/modalEasterEgg.min.css">
  6. Add <div id="the-div"></div> to the body of your webpages. Don't change the id.


By Ashkan Palganeh


MIT License